munish khanna
3 min read
Tips on Fashion Photography
Understand the fashion industry: To create successful fashion photography, it is important to understand the fashion industry and its...

munish khanna
6 min read
Creative Guide to Landscape Photography
Landscape photography can be a stunning and rewarding genre of photography. Here are some tips to help you capture beautiful landscape...

munish khanna
3 min read
Learning Photography? Cover it all.
If you're interested in learning photography, there are several key topics that you should consider covering. These topics will help you...

munish khanna
4 min read
Creativity ! The best way forward. Learn the art of being Creative!
Creativity is a skill that can be developed and nurtured over time with practice and exposure to different experiences and perspectives....

munish khanna
4 min read
Lighting Principles, every Photographer must keep in mind.
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photography, and understanding the principles of lighting can help photographers create...

munish khanna
6 min read
Exposure is correct if it works for you!
©munishkhanna What is the right exposure in Photography? Scientifically, correct exposure is when you record the original scene in such a...